Tips For Perfecting An Amazing Wedding Timeline
Are you currently working through the process of planning your upcoming wedding? First and foremost, congratulations! You’re preparing for a wonderful venture and will soon be able to fulfill one of life’s most amazing achievements. Leading up to the big day, you will have many different elements to consider. You’ll need to plan for catering, entertainment and select a venue. While you’re at it, you should consider putting together a comprehensive wedding timeline. This will be one of the most fun activities of the wedding preparations and the timeline will allow you to cherish the moment for eternity.
Setting A Start Time
It should be noted that brides and grooms are enormously different. Each couple will have their own set of preferences and it will be vital to take these things into consideration, when planning for the big day. The first thing you will need to figure out is when you want the event to begin. Do you want to hold your wedding first thing in the morning or late in the evening? It is impossible to go wrong, but you should make sure to select a start time that is suitable for the bride, groom, and each of the guests.
Plan For The Preparations
Once you’ve selected the start time, you should work in reverse to ensure there is enough time to prepare for the wedding. The bride and groom will need at least an hour to get dressed and make mental preparations. At the same time, you will need to give the staff time to decorate and set up the venue. Make sure there is an hour or two-hour window for this to take place. This will help to ensure that the venue is decked out and beautified, before the guests begin to arrive.
Time The Ceremony
The ceremony is the most important aspect of the entire wedding. Strategically planning the start of the ceremony is essential, since you will want to make sure all of your guests are able to attend. In general, the wedding ceremony itself will not last more than fifteen or twenty minutes. Nonetheless, make sure it doesn’t begin until everyone has arrived. Schedule the ceremony at least thirty or forty minutes, after the doors open.
Set a Time For The Reception
After you’ve set the time for the ceremony, you will next want to plan for the reception and cocktails. It is essential to remember that most people will want to change clothes after the ceremony and slip into something a little more comfortable. Therefore, it is wise to have a small gap in between the ceremony and the reception. An hour or two should suffice. This will give everyone time to return to their hotel, change clothes and commute back to the venue for the fun!
Strict Departure Time
Unfortunately, your wedding day will eventually end that it will live on in your heart and memories forever. Once everything has come to a conclusion, you will need to clean up the venue and restore the establishment to perfection. Therefore, you need to make your guests well aware of the departure time. They need to know precisely when it is time to go home. Make sure you have an hour window for the cleanup process.
Don’t Sweat It
Although planning a wedding timeline can be difficult, it can also be a lot of fun. Be sure to work with your significant other and take everyone into consideration. And remember not to sweat it. Have fun and keep a smile on your face. As long as you do that, you truly cannot go wrong.